Turn Your Mobile Phone Into Projector for Free

Mobile Phone Projector
Its very easy and almost free trick To make Mobile Phone Projector.
We will need a
1)Shoe box
2) one Large Magnifying Glass
3) one Small Magnifying Glass
4) Scalpel
5) Marker
6) Basis For Smartphones
7) Black Ribbon
Lets Start we will Take the Shoe box & one side we will Take the magnifying glass we will position the front left in the computing center the center of the left and right and a little to the bottom now we take the lead and mark around the edge of the magnifying glass and later with the scalpel make the cut mark ready now taking big magnifying glass and remove the base (handle) and you are viewing the positioned in the cut we just did with the knife and look in position cutting the hole. You must cover all the holes to prevent light from leaking now the small magnifying glass ( increase or approach approximately twice relative to the other lens) bearing in mind the location of the first lens we find the center on top of the box and make a hole width we position the magnifying glass at the top the hole should cover three quarters of the box about front to back to focus images to project cell through the two magnifiers as time and perform the hole – three quarters of the total box at the top, we took the magnifying glass and verify that you can enter the position yourself in front of the first lens you should stay similar to what you’re watching in below video we took two sheets of paper they must be of a dark color and positioned in the hole to prevent light from leaking Sealed box with black Ribbon. If you facing any problem to understand how to make Mobile Phone Projector then watch video below
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